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Please Enter Mobile Number to send Otp.
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$("#updateMobNum").modal('hide'); $('#errorModal').find('.modal-body p').html("Mobile Number updated Successfully!"); $('#errorModal').modal('show'); $('#errorModal').find('.modal-body p').css("text-align", "center"); //window.location.replace(window.location.href + "&updatedMobile=Y"); }, error: function(status, errorThrown) { console.log("Error"); console.log(JSON.stringify(status)); console.log(JSON.stringify(errorThrown)); } }); } else { return false; } }); }); $(document).on('', '#updateMobNum', function(event) { var policyId = $(event.relatedTarget).data('policyid'); var endtId = $(event.relatedTarget).data('endtid'); $(this).find("#policyId").val(policyId); $(this).find("#endtId").val(endtId); }); $(document).on('', '#updateMobNum', function(event) { $("#updateMobSubmit").show(); $("#loaderAnimation").hide(); $("#mobile_number").val(""); }); function sendOtpfunction() { var mobileNo = $("#mobile_number").val(); console.log("Mobile Number:", mobileNo); $(".loading-container").show(); 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} $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: contextPathUrl + "/" + concPolicyNo + "/" + renewalCount, dataType: "json", success: function(data, status, xhr) { console.log("Success" + data); if (data.Response.RopStatus === "null" && data.Response.RopStatus != "SUCCESS") { $('#errorModal').find('.modal-body p').html("Your policy is not uploaded to ROP."); $('#errorModal').modal('show'); $('#errorModal').find('.modal-body p').css("text-align", "center"); } else { $('#errorModal').find('.modal-body p').html("Your policy is successfully uploaded to ROP."); $('#errorModal').modal('show'); $('#errorModal').find('.modal-body p').css("text-align", "center"); } $(".loading-container").hide(); $("body").removeClass("show-loader"); }, error: function(status, errorThrown) { console.log("Error"); console.log(JSON.stringify(status)); console.log(JSON.stringify(errorThrown)); $(".loading-container").hide(); $("body").removeClass("show-loader"); } }); } function ropReupload(concPolicyNo, renewalCount, policyId, endtId) { $(".loading-container").show(); $("body").addClass("show-loader"); if (renewalCount === null || renewalCount === '') { renewalCount = 0; } $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: contextPathUrl + "/" + concPolicyNo + "/" + renewalCount + "&policyId=" + policyId + "&endtId=" + endtId, dataType: "json", success: function(data, status, xhr) { console.log("Success" + data); if (data.Response.UploadStatus === "null" && (data.Response.UploadStatus != "Y" || data.Response.UploadStatus != "N")) { $('#errorModal').find('.modal-body p').html("Your Policy has been already uploaded to ROP"); } else if(data.Response.UploadStatus === "Y") { $('#errorModal').find('.modal-body p').html("Your policy has been initiated for ROP Upload, please check after some time for ROP upload status."); } else { $('#errorModal').find('.modal-body p').html("An error occured while uploading to ROP, please try again."); } $('#errorModal').modal('show'); $('#errorModal').find('.modal-body p').css("text-align", "center"); $(".loading-container").hide(); $("body").removeClass("show-loader"); }, error: function(status, errorThrown) { console.log("Error"); console.log(JSON.stringify(status)); console.log(JSON.stringify(errorThrown)); $(".loading-container").hide(); $("body").removeClass("show-loader"); } }); } function printRewardCard(policyId, endtId, valStDate) { $(".loading-container").show(); $("body").addClass("show-loader"); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: contextPathUrl + "/" + policyId + "&endtId=" + endtId, dataType: "json", success: function(data, status, xhr) { console.log("Success" + data); var url = "/QuoteAndBuy/run?__format=pdf&__report=reporttemplates%5CRewardCardOman.rptdesign&policyId=" + policyId; var tempUrl = url; url = tempUrl + "&location=30&language=E";, "RSADirect", "width=800,height=450"); var save = document.createElement('a'); save.href = url; = "RewardCard"; document.body.appendChild(save);; document.body.removeChild(save); $(".loading-container").hide(); $("body").removeClass("show-loader"); }, error: function(status, errorThrown) { console.log("Error"); 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